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Are Multiple Cases in a Case Study Effective or Not? Find Out!

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Are you a student of higher studies? Then, you must write several assignments throughout your course. Now, case studies are one of the essential parts of your assignments. Specific components can make your assignments stand out among all of them. Case studies are one of those. If you take professional case study help, you will get several examples regarding your topic.

Those will help you to establish your points in your assignments. Also, you can get a high score by mentioning those. Students often get confused about how many case studies they must use. Should they use one case study or more? Today, you will thoroughly understand it here for writing a good assignment.

What Is Case Study? A Brief Review

Before understanding whether one or multiple case studies you should use in your assignment, you must know what a case study is. Also, you should understand its importance when writing an assignment. A case study means a discussion of something from a real-life context that matches the theories of your studies. A researcher tries to put the theories in practical cases and see how he can handle the situation. Also, he gets to see what kind of problems he faces and what types of limitations exist in real life while applying those theories.

Usually, there are two types of approaches to case studies- 

  • Single-case Study: Here, students must focus intensely on a specific case. Thus, he can explore and analyse the subject in the context of his text.
  • Multiple Case Study: Here, students study two or more cases and compare the patterns. Thus, they can quickly identify the differences between the cases. 

What Are the Benefits of Multiple Case Studies?

Here are some of the benefits that you must understand before using it in your assignments. Moreover, if you still do not understand how to write a case study, you can seek online essay help. But for now, read on to know more-

Generalise Your Findings

This is one of the main reasons why researchers often choose to use multiple case studies in their assignments. If you use one case study, you may focus only on one side of the argument. However, if you use two or more case studies, you can represent different sides of the argument. Thus, the readers get a more transparent and broader view of the study.

For example, you are writing an assignment on the psychological impact of using mobile phones on children. If you write a case study that shows mobile phones are only doing bad things to kids, then your write-up can be biased. However, you can present a case study where kids learn something from different mobile programs. Thus, your write-up will be balanced.

Present Rich Data with Various Perspectives

This is another practical benefit of using multiple case studies in an assignment. When you use multiple case studies, you use different data. Also, you present various situations and backgrounds. Thus, a student can see an incident from different points of view. Such different perspectives give you a detailed insight into your findings. Finally, you can write a more thorough assignment with your research work.

For example, you are writing an assignment on leadership styles in companies. Now, if you present different styles of businesses where various types of leadership types are used, you can discuss the entire thing more comprehensively.

You Can Compare Easily

The next benefit of multiple case studies is that you can present a comparison between different cases. Thus, you can make your write-up stronger than others. You can check the similarities and differences between the cases. Thus, you get a deeper understanding of the studies.

For example, you may write about how different companies create effective marketing strategies that work. Here, you can compare the marketing strategies of small businesses and big businesses. Thus, you can understand the factors that are essential in both types of conditions. 

Make Your Write-up More Credible

Using multiple case studies in your assignments can make them more trustworthy. If you find the same results after using different case studies, then your write-up gets stronger. It proves that the solution can be applied to different situations, and you get the result.

So, these are some of the benefits that multiple case studies bring to your assignments. These can make your assignment stronger and help you get a high score. multiple cases in a case study

Are There Any Drawbacks of Using Multiple Case Studies?

Yes, apart from the above benefits, there are certain disadvantages too. You should be aware of those before starting your assignment. Have a look-

You Need More Time and Effort

There is no doubt that students must study several cases to present multiple case studies. Therefore, it is pretty complex and time-consuming. Here, you must gather information from different sources. Then, you must analyse those. Finally, you must reach conclusions that take much time. So, students need to put enough effort into it. multiple cases in a case study

No Deep Analysis

Here, you must work with multiple case studies. Therefore, you must analyse each of those before concluding. If students use several case studies, they often lose interest and miss analysing each case study thoroughly.

Selecting the Right Case Study Is Difficult

When you use multiple case studies in assignments, it is difficult to pick the right one. Here, students must find certain case studies that are not too similar and also not too different. Finding such cases in reality is quite complicated.

When to Use Multiple Case Study?

Students still get confused as they don’t understand when to use multiple case studies in their assignments. So they can use it to compare different contexts. Also, if you want to apply the results to a broader range of audience, multiple case studies are perfect. Thus, you can get a fuller picture.


Hopefully, now you understand whether using multiple case studies in your assignment is effective. You can go through the advantages and understand that this method is quite essential in making an assignment stronger. Here, you can get assistance with case study help. Then, you won’t have any confusion and write your assignment quite well.

Read More: What Are Writing Conventions and Their Purpose in Assignments?