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Top Tips for Managing Academic Stress During Exam Season

Top Tips for Managing Academic Stress During Exam Season

Do you have exams coming up? What can be said about exams is they are usually stressful. There are not many difficulties in achieving your goal if you don’t allow yourself to feel bad, stressed, or anxious. As much as people would like to distance themselves from those feelings, everybody has some stress and/or anxiety during exam times. It is necessary, however, to understand how to deal with exam stress and anxiety so that you can focus and succeed.

Though there are some strategies to include and practice to minimize a stressful situation like working on extensive MBA thesis topics and optimizing workload to make it all seem much lighter. In this blog, we consider several out of many possible ways how to reduce stress and anxiety during exams and where you can put them into practice.

Set realistic goals

It is rather effective to establish some goals when it comes to revisioning, although such objectives must be quite manageable. It is always better to set great goals but these must also be realistic so that people will not easily give up if they cannot meet the goal set. If you set realistic goals, you’ll be able to increase motivation by attaining small and achievable goals making a sense of success while you are establishing tangible milestones towards the final objective.

Ask for and accept help.

Thus, the formalities of needing help during examination time and accepting that help when it is offered have to be adopted. It takes courage to seek assistance as well as it becomes quite possible to disregard the assistance of others especially if they are not politically correct. For instance, if they say that it is time you stepped aside from all the work and you believe you do not have time- even if it is counterproductive and you are getting stressed up. Remember that there are more people out there than who wish you ill, and who want to assist you. If you have any other exams to prepare for while finishing different assignments don’t forget that there are dissertation proposal writing services online that would take care of your projects for you.

Don’t compare yourself.

Have you heard Theodore Roosevelt saying the phrase that states ‘comparison is the thief of joy’ as much as this is true, in exams times like this prove to be very important. Do not look around and compare yourself with others and begin to doubt whether they are studying longer (Said, 2015), understand the material better, or are even more relaxed than you are. You have no idea what others feel deep down and recommending something might not be a good thing for them. You know what is going to help your success in your exams and these self-behaviors are not going to make you feel like a loser all the time.

Be present

Avoid analyzing your performance after each examination. Instead, be proud of yourself for even sitting the exam – isn’t a joke, sweetheart! If you are to meet up with friends after, discuss that you will only discuss the exam for a while so that you can be present in the now, de-stress, and let off steam after.

Get active

As much as it may be tempting to focus solely on revision during exam season getting moving is known to aid in stress relief. While all students pretty much understand that exercise could help raise the levels of endorphins, the body’s natural chemicals that make you feel good, in the context of exams, exercise can easily be overlooked.  This way when you get out for 30 minutes of movement, you’ll get more out of your study session and be more productive. In our Cheap ways to stay fit and healthy blog, we posted a couple of ideas on how to become active without breaking the bank.


Through research, scholars have discovered that journaling can assist in reducing intrusive thoughts, sorting out chaotic memories, and leading to better mental and physical health (ER, 2020). Journaling also enables people to develop concentration abilities so that they consider only one thing at a particular time- which makes it a good pastime, especially during exams.


Research has discovered that resting enhances learning, especially during exam periods. Stress also has its roots at home and it is one of the most necessities for anyone, proper sleep. Suggested sleeping hours are eight hours a day but it’s better if you could sleep nine or ten hours a day if possible. Also, it’s necessary to rest at least one hour before you plan to sleep, it might be useful to read a book, listen to music, or practice meditation.


Although social networks can positively influence your motivation during the use of final exams, spending hours and hours on the screen makes the overall stress level worse and even reduces intuitive abilities. Research has indicated that simply getting up from your desk, away from the computer and the screen for as little as five minutes will revive your brain. To assist you reduce exam stress or studying for your tests more efficiently, it is advised to disable all the beeps or put on ‘silent mode’ on your cell phone during study time.


Lastly, remember that things might look pretty crazy right now, but they won’t remain like that. Perhaps if you are already feeling pressured by the stress of exams, it would be better if you identify other ways and means under which you can deal with the feeling so you will not feel like you are stuck in the middle of a war zone. Bear in mind that exams are only a part of the time and they don’t decide about success. Well, here are some rules that might help you move around these challenging years with ease – keep these tips in mind. Oh no, they are what you use as a weapon to combat stress. You have all it takes, and we are with you to guide you through each step you will be taking.